- #include <asm/regdef.h>
- #include <asm/mipsregs.h>
- #define SR_BOOT_EXC_VEC 0x00400000
- #define LS1X_SPI_SFC_PARAM 0x1b
- #define SDRAM_DIV_2 0x0
- #define PLL_MULT 0x54 /* CPU LCD CAM及外设倍频 */
- #define SDRAM_DIV SDRAM_DIV_2 /* LS1C的SDRAM分频 */
- #define CPU_DIV 2 /* LS1C的CPU分频 */
- #define PLL_FREQ (0x80000008 | (PLL_MULT << 8) | (0x3 << 2) | SDRAM_DIV)
- #define PLL_DIV (0x00008003 | (CPU_DIV << 8))
- /* Delay macro */
- #define DELAY(count) \
- li t2, count; \
- 99: \
- nop; \
- subu t2, 0x1; \
- bnez t2, 99b; \
- nop
- .set noreorder
- .globl _start
- .text
- _start:
- b reset
- nop
- reset:
- /* Clear watch registers,这一步是否必需? */
- mtc0 zero, CP0_WATCHLO
- mtc0 zero, CP0_WATCHHI
- mtc0 zero, CP0_STATUS // 清零cp0 status寄存器 $12
- mtc0 zero, CP0_CAUSE // 清零cp0 cause寄存器 $13
- /*
- 设置启动异常向量入口地址为ROM地址(0xbfc00000)
- 将寄存器cp0 status的BEV置1,使CPU采用ROM(kseg1)空间的异常入口点
- */
- li t0, SR_BOOT_EXC_VEC /* Exception to Boostrap Location */
- mtc0 t0, CP0_STATUS
- /* initialize spi */
- li t0, 0xbfe80000 //地址0xbfe80000为SPI0的寄存器基地址
- li t1, 0x1b
- //li t1, 0x17 // div 4, fast_read + burst_en + memory_en double I/O 模式 部分SPI flash可能不支持
- sb t1, 0x4(t0) // 设置寄存器sfc_param
- li t1, 0x05
- sb t1, 0x6(t0) // 设置寄存器sfc_timing
- /* config pll div for cpu and sdram */
- li t0, 0xbfe78030
- /* 设置PLL倍频 及SDRAM分频 */
- li t2, PLL_FREQ
- /* 设置CPU分频 */
- li t3, PLL_DIV
- /* 注意:首先需要把分频使能位清零 */
- li t1, 0x2
- sw t1, 0x4(t0)
- sw t2, 0x0(t0)
- sw t3, 0x4(t0)
- DELAY(4096)
- // 尝试点亮LED
- // LED5 CMADATA0 GPIO050, 在GPIO1这个组里。这个是我看电路图猜的,不知道对不对?
- li a0, 0xbfd00000
- li t1, 0xffffffff
- sw t1, 0x10c4(a0) // 配置寄存器,1表示不复用,即普通的GPIO
- li t0, 0x0
- sw t0, 0x10d4(a0) // 使能寄存器 0表示配置为输出
- blink:
- li t0, 0xffffffff
- sw t0, 0x10f4(a0) // 输出寄存器 1表示输出高电平
- DELAY(50000)
- li t0, 0x0
- sw t0, 0x10f4(a0) // 输出寄存器 0表示输出低电平
- DELAY(50000)
- b blink
- nop
- start.o:
- echo "compiling u-boot..."
- mipsel-linux-gcc -D__ASSEMBLY__ -g -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -D__KERNEL__ -DCONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE=0xbfc00000 -I/mnt/hgfs/CentOS_Share/trystart -fno-builtin -ffreestanding -nostdinc -isystem /opt/gcc-4.3-ls232/bin/../lib/gcc/mipsel-linux/4.3.0/include -pipe -DCONFIG_MIPS -D__MIPS__ -G 0 -mabicalls -fpic -EL -msoft-float -march=mips32 -mabi=32 -DCONFIG_32BIT -o start.o start.S -c
- echo "echo "linking u-boot...""
- mipsel-linux-ld -G 0 -static -n -nostdlib -EL -m elf32ltsmip -T u-boot.lds --gc-sections -pie -Bstatic -Ttext 0xbfc00000 start.o -L /opt/gcc-4.3-ls232/bin/../lib/gcc/mipsel-linux/4.3.0 -lgcc -Map u-boot.map -o u-boot
- echo "generating u-boot.bin..."
- mipsel-linux-objcopy --remove-section=.dynsym --gap-fill=0xff -O binary u-boot u-boot.bin
- echo "done!"
- .PHONY : clean
- clean:
- rm -f start.o u-boot u-boot.map u-boot.bin